Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So I had my 22 week appt yesterday w/the obstetrician. Had another sonogram since baby wasn't big enough at my 18 week appt to see if she was indeed a boy or girl, IT'S A GIRL!!! I'm so thrilled. The office was very busy when I went in yesterday afternoon so I had to wait until after I saw doctor for the sonogram, but it was well worth the wait. Karen, the sonographer I LOVE, didn't have an appointment for awhile so she asked me if she cared if she just 'played around' with me. Heck no, she spent a good 20 plus minutes doing ultrasound. Do you really think I was going to pass up seeing my new little one? She sent me home with a ton of pictures of baby girl. I've got a few posted on facebook but not all of them. It was so amazing to see the baby moving on the screen. And I was able to find out what body parts I am feeling when I feel all the movement because Karen showed me exactly how baby girl is lying. Right now she is kinda transverse. Her head is on my right side w/her feet tucked up. Her butt is on my left side, which I figured because I can feel that pushing up into the top of my uterus A LOT. I've got little hands and feet on the right side, which makes sense to all the movement I have felt the last few weeks. This is most likely my last baby so I am enjoying and cherishing each and every moment I have being pregnant. This is why I was so excited yesterday when I got a LONG ultrasound session.

I go back to the doctor in 4 weeks, then after that appointment I'm already due for every 2 week appointments. Where has the time gone? Before I know it, it'll be the end of October and I'll be back to weekly appointments and then baby girl will be here.

I have a name picked out i absolutely love, but Casey told me last night he doesn't like it because it sounds like a lizard's name. I'm hoping I can talk him into liking it or loving it, after all I am the one carrying her, delivering her, and nourishing her now and after she is born. The name will be kept a surprise until baby girl is born so you will just have to be patient like I am for December.

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