Wednesday, March 11, 2009


So I have found some excellent coupons online this week. However, I'm sad because there was an article in our local newspaper SJ-R about stores not honoring internet coupons anymore. Here is the link to the article if you are interested---
I can say I will use internet coupons where I can until I am told by NO store in Springfield that they are valid anymore. I haven't done a lot of shopping this week, but have managed to get the following deals
Walgreens-6 jumbo packs Huggies diapers (various sizes) for $32 out of pocket. Got 2 catalinas for $10 each thus making each pack of diapers $5.33 each FOR HUGGIES!! used the following coupons $5/1 and $3/1 from
Target--5 packs of Huggies wipes (184 count) for $5. Used 5 $5/1 coupons from Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo for $1.70. Used a $1.50 coupon that was mailed to me from the company some time ago that was getting ready to expire.
I have a few more coupons for the $5/1 that I plan on using at Target for more baby wipes, but I bought everything they had today with my coupons. You can only print a coupon 2 times per computer/printer so you may ask "how did she get so many?" I have lots of willing and able friends who printed some for me. I am now stocked up for a very long time on baby supplies. Yippie!!
Like Yo-Plus yogurt?
Heather at has a link on her site that enables you to print $1.50/1 and $1/1 for yo-plus. Usually runs $2/pack so this is a pretty good coupon, so I am hoping that some store has them on sale under this price before May so I can score free yogurt!
Be sure to check out for the link to Old Navy--they have a new thing where every Thursday you have the option of winning a pretty large coupon. This week (tomorrow) the coupons are rumored to be $75 off a $100 purchase and $50 off a $100 purchase. I'm going to hopefully stay up late enough tonight to try to score myself one of these big discounts so I can purchase some new summer clothing for the family.

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